Clinics & Services

We provide a comprehensive range of medical services for our patients:
- morning opening at 08:00am Monday - Friday
- lunchtime opening
- appointments outside traditional times - ie evenings and Saturdays (held at Stubley Medical Centre)
- a choice of male and female doctors
- skilled nursing team
- full range of contraceptive services
- child health clinics
- skin surgery
- travel clinics
- training practice for medical students and GP registrars

One in four of us experience mental health problems at some time in our lives.
Depression is one of the commonest reasons for consulting a GP in the UK.
While medication has its place, it's no quick fix and many patients benefit more from "talking therapies".
In Derbyshire we're fortunate in being able to access Psychological Therapies such as Counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy and Group Therapy.
These services are free and the Therapies are approved by NICE.
Patients can be referred to these services by the GP or Practice Nurse or they can now self-refer.
The following providers offer psychological therapies in our area.
- Trent PTS 01332 265 659;
- Talking Mental Health 0300 123 0542;
- Everyturn;
NHS Inform is an on-line resource that helps patients tackle feelings of anxiety and depression.
Kooth provides support for young people in Derbyshire aged 11-18 and is safe, confidential and anonymous
Care Coordinators
Care Coordinators provide extra time, capacity, and expertise to support patients in preparing for clinical conversations or in following up discussions with primary care professionals. They work closely with the GPs and other primary care colleagues within the primary care network (PCN) to identify and manage a caseload of identified patients, making sure that appropriate support is made available to them and their carers (if appropriate), and ensuring that their changing needs are addressed. They focus on the delivery of personalised care to reflect local PCN priorities, health inequalities or at risk groups of patients. They can also support PCNs in the delivery of Enhanced Health in Care Homes.
A leaflet about the role of the Care Coordinators here in Dronfield is available here.
More information about the role in primary care is available here on the NHS website.
Social Prescribing Link Workers
We also have a Social Prescribing Link Worker. Offering you support and connecting you to local services to help improve your wellbeing. Many things in life can make us feel unwell and a medical prescription is not always the answer. Social Prescribing can help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing. By giving you time to think about what matters most to you and identify ways to improve your health and happiness. It is designed to help you develop stronger connections between you and your community (including social activities and supporting services).
A leaflet about the role of Social Prescriber Link Workers in Dronfield is available here.